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Part Number: 85521711
Description: International Power Source w/ Communication Ports

(Specifications subject to change without notice)

Part Number: 85521711
Weight: 26.5lbs(12.3kg)
Input Voltage: 100-240VAC
Input Current: 12A
Input Current: 50-60HZ
Output Power: 1000W
Output Volt/Amps: 1725VA
Output Voltage Low Range: 10.0-138VAC
Output Voltage High Range: 10.0-276.0VAC
Output Current Low Range: 0.0-12.5A
Output Current High Range: 0.0-6.25A
Output Frequency: 47.0-450Hz
Output Voltage Regulation: Line plus load
Output Wave Form: Sine
Total Harmonic Distortion: 47-450Hz 0.5%
Output Current Limit Low Range: 0.0-37.5A peak
Output Current Limit High Range: 0.0-18.75A peak
CE Marking: yes
Spec Info: International Power Source w/ Communication Ports

Last Modification: 10/02/14 • 09:45:46 • jcaligiu           *Specifications subject to change without notice

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