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Interpower Power Cords and Cord Sets

Within the electrical products design you are creating, you need a way to connect to the power source. Interpower offers a wide selection of power cords, cord sets, jumper cord sets, and connector power cords.

Power Cords

Power Cord

A power cord consists of cable with a plug (molded or hand-wired) on one end and exposed conductor wires, terminated conductors (such as ring terminals or QDs), or blunt/flush cut conductors on the other end. A power cord is used to connect the equipment directly to the power mains.


  • A power cord is normally hard-wired in the equipment by the manufacturer, thus ensuring proper use of the equipment. Replacement of a power cord requires access inside the equipment.

Connector Power Cord

A connector power cord has an IEC 60320 or country-specific connector (molded or hand-wired) on one end of the cable with the opposite end being exposed conductor wires, terminated conductors, or blunt/flush conductors.


  • Connector power cords are used in specialized applications. They are designed to provide electrical power to peripheral equipment. The unterminated end can be wired into the equipment with the connector providing electrical power to accessory equipment.

Cord Sets

Cord Set

A cord set consists of cable with a country-specific plug (molded or hand wired) on one end and an IEC 60320 connector or country-specific connector (molded or hand wired) on the other end. It is meant for connecting equipment directly to the mains supply.


  • Cord sets enable OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) to design equipment to be shipped anywhere in the world by changing only the cord set.
  • Installation of a cord set takes less labor than installation of a power cord.
  • It is easier to replace a damaged cord set than a hard-wired power cord.

Jumper Cord Set (or Accessory Cord Set)

A jumper cord set works like a jumper power cord. The difference is a connection device on both ends of the cable instead of just the plug end. A jumper cord set includes an IEC 60320 plug connector and an IEC 60320 connector and transfers power from a primary piece of equipment to an accessory or peripheral piece of equipment.


  • Jumper cord sets are designed for specific applications.
  • They are used to “jump” power from unit to unit within one application. These cords are different in that they are able to plug into each other. Examples: computer monitor, computer CPU, computer printer.

Choosing a Power Cord or Cord Set

Selection of the appropriate power cord or cord set for each export market is an important step for equipment designers to ensure the product can be easily used by their global customers. Choosing a cord usually involves four steps:

  1. Identify the correct plug for the country of export
  2. Determine the rating of the power cord or cord set
  3. Choose the correct cable
  4. Choose the correct connector, if utilizing a cord set


Interpower follows these guidelines when manufacturing power cords and cord sets:

To determine cord specifications per a specific country or region, see North American Power Cords and Cord Sets and International Power Cords and Cord Sets, along with More Information on Power Cords and Cord Sets. See also more information on the IEC 60320 products.

To determine which plug patterns are used in specific countries, see Guide to Worldwide Plug/Socket Patterns and Power Mains.

Value-Added Options

If the power system components need to be labeled, packaged, or kitted in a specific way, or a cord needs to be a specific length, there are several options offered by Interpower.

These include:

  • Labels—Wrap, Flat, Flag, Warning
  • Packing—Bundle (standard packaging), Hank, Coil, Bag, Box, Kit
  • Cord lengths—Standard length (2.5m/8.2’), Specialized lengths are available
  • Outer jacket and insulated conductor specialized strip lengths—Standard strip length on outer jacket (50mm), Standard strip length on insulated conductor jacket (10mm); 1-week U.S. manufacturing lead-time for specialized strip lengths
  • Terminations—Ring terminals, quick disconnects (QD), spade terminals (insulated or un-insulated), ferrules (double or single-action which can be insulated or un-insulated), ultrasonic welding or tinning of individual conductors

Interpower manufactures and sells power cords and cord sets for global markets. Power cords and cord sets manufactured by Interpower are 100% tested.