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More Information on Connector Locks

Connector locks secure cordsets to IEC 60320 power inlets to prevent accidental power interruption.  Cordsets can be easily removed without disrupting the connector lock. Each cordset connector lock is designed for the molding of a specific cordset connector style.  The connector locks can be used only with the screw-mounted power inlets.

Locking-Screw Connector Locks

Interpower C13 Conn. LockAssembly 

Attach cord set connector lock to the inlet with mounting screws (specify a slightly longer mounting screw to accomodate the connector lock), then tighten the connector lock around cord set connector end by turning the captive screw on the connector lock. Connector end can be removed by loosening the screw on the lock without affecting the inlet and connector lock mounting.


For Cord Sets Rated 10/15A

Connector Lock C13 PCC whtFor use with Interpower IEC 60320 C13 connector molds 052, 053, 055, 056, and 057. For North American and international applications.

Connector Lock Sheet EFor use with Interpower Sheet E plug mold E02. For North American and international applications.

For Cord Sets Rated 16/20A

Connector Lock C19For use with Interpower IEC 60320 C19 connector molds 068, 069, 070, 013, and 015. For North American and international applications.


Connector Lock Sheet IFor use with Interpower Sheet I plug mold 050. For North American and international applications.


Installation Instructions

  1. To ensure proper alignment of the clamp with the connector, loosen the two mounting screws on the sides of the power inlet.
  2. Slip the connector lock under the mounting screws and leave the mounting screws loose.
  3. Insert the cord set through the connector lock into the inlet. Be sure that it is pushed completely into the inlet. This step is very important for your safety—a partially mated connector could cause a fire. Once the connector has been properly seated, the connector lock will keep it there in the future and help ensure your safety.
  4. Tighten the locking screw on the connector lock so that the clamp firmly grips the connector on the cord set.
  5. Tighten the two mounting screws on the sides of the inlet. The connector lock is now secured on the connector, so that cord sets may be easily removed and inserted in the future.

Locking the Cord Set

Note: After the installation has been done once, it is not necessary to adjust the side mounting screws again.

  1. Insert the cord set through the lock into the connector. Be sure that it is pushed completely into the connector.
  2. Tighten the locking screw on the cord set connector lock so that the lock firmly grips the cord set.

Removing the Cord Set

Connector Lock InstalledNote: After the installation has been done once, it is not necessary to adjust the side mounting screws again.

  1. Loosen the locking screw on the cord set connector lock.
  2. Remove the cord set.

Conn Lock Assemb Illus