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  5. Interpower Announces Face & Plug Seal Kits for IEC 60320 C14 Inlets with IP54 Rating

Interpower Announces Face & Plug Seal Kits for IEC 60320 C14 Inlets with IP54 Rating

December 11, 2023
After passing UL’s Solid Particle Protection and Liquid Ingress Protection Tests per IEC Standard 60529 (Sec. 4.2, 13.4, and 14.2.4), Interpower’s C14 inlet Face Seal Kit as well as its Plug Seal Kit was given an Ingress Protection rating of “54” (IP54) in UL’s test report. The IP54 rating (solid particle ingress level 5, liquid ingress level 4) prevents corrosive dust and solid particles from reaching the terminals while preventing liquids from short circuiting the terminals.

The IP54-rated Face Seal and Plug Seal Kits are offered in four separate part numbers:

The Face Seal Kit comes in two options: C14 Screw-mount Quick Disconnect Kit, part #83050000; and the Solder Tab Kit, part #83050010. This kit includes a made-to-fit, moisture-resistant polyurethane insert which seals between the base of the C14 inlet and the face of the C13 connector, which is held in place after tightening down the connector lock.
The Plug Seal Kit, part #83050020 for the Quick Disconnect Kit, and part #83050030 for the Solder Tabs Kit, has a front seal made of specialized PVC with a lower durometer rating (for flexibility) that inserts through the front of the inlet to protect the terminals. While all Kits contain instructions and panel seals, the hardware (#4-40 screws and nuts) are not included.

Advantages of Interpower’s IP54 Face and Plug Seal Kits:

Interpower manufactures, tests, and ships North American and International cable, cords and cord sets, and components including IEC 60320 products such as its popular C13 connector and C14 inlet. These accessory power components pair well with Interpower’s Accessory Power Strips (APS) and Power Distribution Units (PDU) to help make electrical designs universal.

For more information on this product or our complete line of products, please contact our Customer Service Specialists at (800) 662-2290, or at