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  5. Cord Set Requires One Plug and One Connector

Interpower’s Answers to Commonly Asked Questions—A Cord Set Requires One Plug and One Connector

At the Interpower Group of Companies, we have real people answering the phones. No recorded messages. As a result, we receive a number of interesting product design questions. Usually if a question has been asked by one person, it means that others also have the same question. So to assist you, we will be sharing a few of the commonly asked questions, complete with answers. Be sure to follow our series, “Interpower’s Answers to Commonly Asked Questions.”

Why can’t I use a cord with a plug on both ends or a connector on both ends?

Key points:

Ron Barnett, Product Development Manager, explains why you can’t do this.

Creating a cord set with a plug on both ends or a connector on both ends is not safe. It is also against the standards. “When you have a cord with a plug on each end, simply connecting one plug to a wall socket creates a shock hazard when the other plug is disconnected. The exposed plug blades are live,” Barnett explained. “Furthermore, when you have a cord with just connectors on each end, one of those connectors must connect to an inlet with power. That inlet has exposed pins with live voltage which creates a shock hazard when the connector is not in place.”

Key cord set standards that address this are: international IEC 60799 and North American standards UL 817 and CSA C22.2 No. 21.

Cord set—Assembly consisting of one flexible cable or cord fitted with one non-rewireable plug and one non-rewireable connector, intended for the connection of an electrical appliance or equipment to the electrical supply.

Detachable power supply cord—A length of flexible cord assembled with an attachment plug or current tap as a line fitting and with a single outlet appliance coupler as a load fitting, with or without a through-cord switch. The load fitting is intended to mate with the motor attachment cap of an appliance.

Cord set—A length of flexible cord having an attachment plug at one end and a cord connector at the
other end.

If you have other questions, Interpower offers free technical support. You can check the website at, e-mail (United States) or (United Kingdom) or contact Customer Service in the United States at (800) 662-2290 or in the United Kingdom at +44 (0)1908 295300.

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