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  5. New SANS 164-2 South Africa Configuration

New SANS 164-2 South Africa Configuration

SANS 164-2 South Africa Plug ConfigurationOskaloosa, Iowa – July 2015
The Interpower Group of Companies is pleased to announce it has expanded its cord set and power cord product lines with the preferred configuration of the SANS 164-2 South Africa plug.

Two new power cords and three new cord sets are being added to the product line. These have a SANS 164-2 South Africa 16A plug with the international wiring code (green/yellow, light blue, brown) on H05VVF cable. Interpower has a test report from SABS (South African Bureau of Standards) approving the plug.

The SANS 164-2 standard is the preferred configuration for new installations in South Africa. Currently, the most common plug and socket used in South Africa is the SANS 164-1. At this time, the new standard is not mandatory, only preferred. Interpower will continue to carry the existing SANS 164-1 South Africa plug configurations.

For questions or for more information such as drawings, samples, or test documents, please e-mail (United States) or (United Kingdom) or contact Customer Service in the United States at (800) 662-2290 or in the United Kingdom at +44 (0)1908 295300.